Monday, August 6, 2018

Changes of behaviors and practices of Cigarette smoking and feeding the children at risk of dietary deficiency.

I`m Lek Sarorn 55 years old married my wife 53 years old. Living 5 with three grandsons (aged 1 months years, 6 months, and 2 years) and because sometimes grandsons` mother went to work at sewing factory and father went to work at private company`s cassava farm.

Before I became a RC member and assistant RC facilitator, I smoked cigarette for 10 years and drank alcohol for 30 years. I had career as farmer with rice planting; grow vegetables and some animal raising. Recently my family is ID poor 2. I never helped house`s works, but just does the man`s task outside of house. I frequent created domestic violent. My family had small amount of income from the farming.

I joined ADRA in 2015 as a male RC member and then became an Assistant RC Facilitator in February 2018. My wife also become as a RC member in year 2015 until now. I learned in RC discussions with topics of hygiene, nutrition, Learning Through Play, social marketing and bookkeeping, home gardening, facilitation skills, smoking cessation program, PD/Hearth program, etc.

My family received a discount voucher for a water tank and was able to purchase one. I learned RIP (Rice Improvement Program), and my wife learned chicken raising from ADRA. Now, I grow vegetables and chicken raising and the income is increasing from these careers. I completely stopped smoking and alcohol drinking for 4 months and I do not need to spend money for it anymore. I stopped domestic violence since I learned LTP in 2016. My health is stronger and I can do harder work. My wife and I learned PD/Hearth and I brought my malnourished grandson 2 years old to join in Hearth sessions and continue feeding at home with regular weight follow-up. Now he is rehabilitated and non longer malnourished.

My family will continue to grow vegetables and chicken raising, and give proper feeding to children as I known and I learned and share these skills to my relatives and to the neighbours when they are interested it.

I appreciate to ADRA team and ADRA`s donor for helping to my family and to my village.

This change is important to my family. We can help and support each other to make families healthy. I decide to continue this change now and in the future. I will encourage my friends to learn from my new habits. 

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