Thursday, June 29, 2017

Agriculture: Chicken Vaccination Training

Are you an agriculture practitioner? Do you raise chickens at home?
Check out this video about an agriculture production livelihoods training program, training about vaccinating chickens that was conducted by the CHOICES for Children project!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

ADRA Cambodia National Staff Retreat

Every 4th years ADRA Cambodia were having their staff retreat for staff refresher after many year of working with community as well as rural area. this retreat aims to promote staff mutual understanding between relevant projects site in Cambodia. However, this retreat were full of joys and fun as it is combined with learning through play and island roaming.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Writing about Most Significant Change

Once a month our CHOICES for Children project sets aside time to look for most significant change among the Reflect Circle members. We are looking for members who have changed their habits and behavior after becoming involved with Reflect Circle activities. The most important part of the changes are what they had learned and put it into practice. They write about what has brought them to the point where they abandon old unhealthful habits and what has helped them add new habits for a new lifestyle.