Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sprinkles Training

On 28th and 29th April, CHOICES staff, field supervisors, health centre staff, Operational District trainers, and Provincial Health Department trainers attended a nutrition training at the Operational District meeting hall. The focus of the training was to introduce a micronutrient supplement for young children (specially 6 to 23 months old) called Sprinkles, however the appropriate types of foods and serving sizes for children within this age group were also discussed.
A dish called barbar kap kuep krueng, or 'pot rice', was highlighted as a way for mothers in the villages to introduce their children to solid foods. During the lunch break on the last day of training, participants practised how to prepare pot rice.

During a training session

Every one participated in making pot rice

Pot rice has a variety of ingredients: rice, greens, pumpkin, potato, eggs, meat

A finished bowl of pot rice

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

REFLECT Workshop 2015

On 17-20th March, ADRA Cambodia hosted the REFLECT Workshop 2015 which saw 24 participants from ADRA country offices come together from all around the world. The objective of the sessions were to become familiar with the Reflect approach, to be able to modify the approach to convey ADRA's values and priorities, and for other country offices to consider using the approach in their own programming.

The workshop, facilitated by ADRA Australia, was mainly held in Pursat province where participants had the opportunity to visit some of Reflect Circle meetings occurring within the CHOICES project and observe the methodology in practice while also implementing what they were learning during the workshop sessions. The workshop finished up in Phnom Penh as a forum where other Cambodian organisations were invited to attend and share about the approaches they were using in their own programming and the Reflect methodology was reviewed.

The REFLECT (Regenerated Freirean Literacy through Empowered Community Techniques) approach was originally developed by Action Aid who took the theories of Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire, and combined these with Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques. This incorporates the knowledge and opinions held by local people in the planning and management of development programs, adding to the sustainability of the program. ADRA Cambodia has taken this approach and modified it to suit the local context. This is the methodology that CHOICES is based around.

Workshop participant, Shadreck (ADRA Malawi) and translator, Rany (ADRA Cambodia), with a mens' Reflect Circle group in Pursat province

Drawings aid in the Reflect Circle discussion

Workshop Participants

Drawings/diagrams are a big part of the Reflect methodology and were used in the workshop sessions, rather than powerpoint presentations.

The Reflect forum in Phnom Penh