Thursday, January 4, 2018

Animal Husbandary Training

Rice harvesting time were done to many of our Reflect Circle member, it is a good time to learn new thing to improve the knowledge. Besides doing rice planting, many of the farmer seeking for the technique of raising chicken as an extra family income during the free time. As we can see that natural chicken meat having a great demand in the local market with the constant price between $3.50 to $4.25 per Kg. However, even though the local market having the great demand of natural chicken every day, still the farmer cannot raise on time to supply according to this demand.  Agriculture team having a great pursue to fulfill this lacking point over this issues. We are concerning to any struggle which is harmful to our member who lack of motivation in raising chicken for the extra income during this free time. Many farmer were losing their courage to raise chicken again just because they’re don’t know what to do while encountered chicken sick and die too many time. However, agriculture component try to put our eyes on this issue and try to figure out for any possible way to help out so that our farmer able to try again.
Likewise, 2 animal husbandry training have been proposed to 5 villages in Snam Preash commune, Bakan district, Pursat province. This training held for 3 days started from 19 to 21 of December 2017, within 3 days all the trainee should get to understand the first start and the introduction of how to get start in field of chicken raising and can be able to select the good chick to start raising, able to build the chicken house, able to make their own chicken feed, able to clean up hygiene around the cage, able to cure diseases as well as doing vaccine by themselves. After complete this training successfully we are strongly believed that all of our trainee able to work very well on animal raising at home and we also hope that they’re can be able to earn the income from raising chicken every month.

Trainer indication the technique of using vaccine CHOLERA to trainee

Our RC member were thrilling to be workout by themselves

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