Thursday, July 12, 2018

Stop smoking for healthy family!

Mr. Moeun Pich, aged 56 years old has stopped smoking after he joined in our project group discussion and learned about the harmful affect of tobacco. He now has quit smoking successfully and is healthy and happy within his family. His livelihood is also getting better as instead of spending time smoking, he spend time working!

Mr. Moeun Pich and his family

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Cross visit of the chicken raising interest groups to a model agriculture Prod site

Cross visit of the chicken raising interest groups to a model agriculture Prod site
 On June 27, 2018 the Staff of CHOICES for Children project facilitated the trained chicken raising interest groups to a cross learning visit at a model agriculture Prod site in Koh Svay village, Snam Preah commune. The interest groups from 8 villages participated and shared together what they have learned and succeeded from real practice at homes.

The purpose of visit is 1) the groups learn from each other of experience and skills in households` chicken raising what succeeded or failed; 2) the groups reviewed technical, controls, best practices and changes in successful chicken raising; and 3) the groups developed plan for ongoing practical coaching and technical support.

The pictures below show the activities in cross visit sessions

The participants had been divided in small group discussion:

The representative of each small groups presented the discussion result to big group:

Sharing on best practices and changes of a successful interest group member living in Anlung Mean village, Snam Preah commune. She learned chicken raising from ADRA for one year. She recently feed 50 hens and more than 30 chicken.  She gave vaccination to all chicken and fed them as the instruction in training. Very few chicken died in each season. She spent 300,000 riels (=$75.00) in foods and caring to those hens and chicken. She sold hens and getting 700,000 riel (=$175 in 3 months). The income`s leftover from consumption in family. She saved 40,000 riels (=$10.00) in each month. Her husband and children are strongly assisting and supporting her chicken raising.

At the end of sharing session, all participant visited a chicken raising site of an interest group member next to the meeting location in Koh Svay village. The area of chicken house is clean, large and feed more than 100 hens/chicken. The owner made similar income the same to the one female interest group member mentioned above.

Community Saving - Loan - Share services

The District Saving Federation Committee (DSFC) was elected and installed in May 2018, which the structure of this DSFC has been divided into different 4 groups such as Advisory and Supervisory group, Monitoring and Evaluation group, Credit group, and Education/Social marketing group. Including an additional Adviser group recruited from the district officers.

 The CHOICES for Children project of ADRA Cambodia collaborated with the Cambodian Community Foundation Network (CCFiN) Organization provided first training to the DSFC on 25-26 June 2018 in purpose to develop the saving policy or guideline. The topics discussed in training are 1) objectives of DSCF, DSFC`s business, DSCF`s job descriptions, Internal regulations, saving and policies, savings and loan records, credit and records.

The pictures below show on training sessions: