Sunday, June 24, 2018

Ponds for areas with greatest irrigation need and opportunity

The CHOICES for Children project of ADRA Cambodia has been facilitating pond digging by voucher discount system to support the vulnerable households in CHOICES `s coverage villages.

 The pictures below shown on the activities of pond digging in Thmey village on June 18, 2018 done by a pond contracting supplier. This pond belongs to the beneficiary as a RC member named Khem Yeab 31 years old, her husband named Bun laikee 36 years old-farmer, living with 5 children (1F eldest, 4M)- 7 days old, 3 yrs. old, 6 yrs. old, 8 yrs. old, and 14 yrs. old female. The pond size is 10 meters wide by 12 meters long with 3 meters deep. In purpose the beneficiaries use pond water to grow vegetable, using in family and for animals and etc.

Water, hygiene and Sanitation (WASH)
The pictures below shown about the training of facilitator (TOF) on RLU #11 WASH topics and the environment cleaning campaign on June 21, 2018.

This picture a commune supervisor gave learning facilitation on WASH topics to the RC facilitators, which was organized in Poliyum village, Trapeang Choung commune, Bakan district. Those learning topics are 1) clean water, 2) personal hygiene, 3) general sanitation, 4) hand-washing with soap, 5) clean environment and 6) gender.

Second picture shown that the RC facilitators practiced hand washing with soap in order they would bring these learnings and skills to help their RC members in changing hand washing behavior and practice.



At the end of learning sessions, the RC facilitators developed schedule and activity plan, prepared materials and documents for the women and men RC discussion on WASH topics at their villages.
After the training sessions completed, all participants and villagers altogether walked throughout  Poliyum village with picking up rubbishes and collecting wastes then disposed it in the safe place in village. 



Friday, June 15, 2018

PD/Hearth Session Conducted by RCFs in Beung Prey Village, Bakan District, Pursat

June 15, 2018 the Reflect Circle Facilitators and the mothers in Beung Prey village conducted PD/Hearth NERP to rehabilitated one severe malnourished girl and other seven malnourished girls and boys. This is hearth session in second day the mothers together learned how to prepare and cook foods for malnourished children.

The mothers and RCFs weighted children again to note the weights of children before they start rehabilitation in PD/Hearth sessions. RCFs helped the mothers to identify children`s nutritional status by weigh-for-age.

The mothers and child caregivers learned topics in the meanwhile the cooked food was kept to be cool or warm.

The children had been facilitated by a RCF to learn at separate place when their mothers were learning about hearth topic.

After hearth topic the mothers and child caregivers washed hands with soap and then they coaxed their children to eat the cooked food.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Smoke Cease Program (SCP) and Nutrition Campaign

In the morning of June 14, 2018 the RCFs in Lvea village, Trapeang Choung commune with getting support from project staff and commune supervisor, they conducted SCP and nutrition campaign. 33 women and 25 men participated in the event.

During the meeting, a 53 years old man told about his life he smokes cigarette for 35 years (since he was 18 years old). He took out a package of cigarette and a lighter from his pocket and shown to other participants. Then he crushed all cigarette in the package in front the people and promised that he will stop smoking from the day of this campaign.


Nine participants answered the quiz regarding to smoking and nutrition. Most of them gave right answers, and then they received the present such as soap and T-shirt.




At the end of event, participants received a piece of soap for each person and got some posters of cigarette smoking and nutrition. They took photograph together right before they backed homes.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Most Significant Change Story - Increased livelihood income skills and opportunities for poor and vulnerable households.

My name Keo Sarean 45 years old living in Beung Chhouk village, Knar Toteung commune, Bakan district. I was a monk and learned for 12 years in pagoda. I got marry with my wife name 26 years old learned in school for 5 years. I have 3 daughters the first one is 11 years old leaning at school for 6 years, the second one is 9 years old learning at school for 5 years and a youngest one is 2 years old.

Before ADRA came to develop in my village, my family was in ID Poor 2 and without real job. My family was famer planted rice on a small land, grew rice with unknown technic and got very small income. After rice season I made labor migration to Thailand. It was the informal migration and I could not make good money, then returned home with small amount of money. I smoked cigarette for 10 years since I was a monk.

When the ADRA started activities of CHOICES for Children project in my village at year 2014, my wife and I became the RC members. Later on, the ADRA team promoted me to be a man RCF up to now is for 2 years. My wife and I learned in RC discussions about hygiene and sanitation, nutrition in children under 5 years old, nutrition in pregnant women, PD/Hearth, LTP, and etc. My wife also learned about home gardening in last year, I also learned about chicken raising and rice growing in last 3 years, which those trainings conducted and supported by the ADRA/CHOICES project. ADRA sent me to learn haircut from a skills barber in last 6 months. Now I have job as a man RC Facilitator and a barber in my village. I could make money about 10,000 riels ($2.50) per day, about 400,000 riel ($100.00) per month. My wife works in a drinking water factory and she can make income 10,000 riels ($2.50) per day, about 400,000 riel ($100.00) per month too. These income could afford for foods, for study of my children and for health care, and it makes better living in my family.

My wife and I are the saving group members. I could save some amount of money in saving group, then I could have chance to borrow money to make the haircut profession in my village. I am very happy that I have joined in activities of CHOICES for Children project. My family received a water filter from ADRA. I could build a latrine. I stopped cigarette smoking for 2 years since when I joined in the cease smoking campaign conducted by ADRA.

“I`m thankful to ADRA team and ADRA`s supporters for the trainings I have received as well as for the development activities that have been happening in my village and my community so far” Keo Sarean said with smile and happy to us.

 ADRA make me and my family changed in knowledge, stop smoking, facilitation and job skills, behavior changes in child feeding and child caring, make good income and available money for illness treatment. Now my family is living in better hygiene, use clean water, less sickness, could have regular saving money, and living in better lives.

The changes in living of my family and change in my job are very important because I could share my experience and my best practice to other men and other poor families through the RC discussion and the meetings. They can learn from myself about haircut if they like this job.