Children are the human resource of country development. When we talking about children, we talk about 4 types of children's rights: The right of community participation, the right of living, the right of getting education and the right of security insurance from the people around them. In Cambodia, children will have to get education at the age of 5 years old. Meanwhile, parents as well as other caregivers shall bring their own kids or children to school for registration. School registration is free for all children who ask for registration if their age is 5 years old or older. ADRA is an organization which works to protect children and all vulnerable children who are in need of help. On October/26/2017 ADRA staff in Pursat province who work for CHOICES for children project had a Children's Open House celebration in a rural village in Bakan district, Pursat province with 17 children(11girls and6 boys) and 45 parents. The purpose of this celebration was to advocate with Reflect Circle members to put a great effort into considering about their children's future.